Sunday, February 10, 2013

Word of the year and Play

First,  I want to start by saying THANK YOU to everyone who takes the time to comment on my posts. It means so much to me and even though I am not always the best at responding, I intend to change that.
There is no big surprise that my word of the year is the same word as last year. To be honest I feel like I miserably failed at being INTENTIONAL with anything. If I look back on last year I probably should have picked the word SELFISH because that is what I feel I spent most of the year being.
Thank goodness I have another year to try to improve on last, but this year I am picking 2 "Words of the Year". One for my family and one for God. For my family it is to be more intentional with how I spend my energy and time. For God it is, hands down, going to be TRUST.
While I LIKE to feel like most of my days are spent trusting God... I am plaqued by worry and fear most of the time. My biggest worry is about the health and well being of these two.

Crewe's hat kills me!
I have such a hard time releasing the tight grip I have on them and the feeling that by worrying I can somehow protect them... when really I am just robbing myself of all the current joys. Realizing that in your mind is great, but living it in your day is HARD
I really struggle with believing in my heart that GOD loves them and cares about them more than I do. That he always has their best intentions in his heart.
 I  AM incredibly greatful however; that my walk in trusting him is a PROCESS not a PROJECT. It is not something that in 30 days I have to be perfect at nor does God expect perfection. What he does expect of me is to keep growing in faith and trust.

Toilet paper rolls save my life when I am cooking dinner.
That leads into my family word, INTENTIONAL. I feel like so much of my days get caught up with checking things off my to-do list. While I do feel like a to-do list is good and necessary to have at times... for a Type A personality it becomes all encompassing... to where I don't sit down to play with Crewe or snuggle up on the couch with my honey at the end of the day until that to-do list is complete.
I don't want to miss all the enjoyments of life, simply to check a few things off the list. Things that are going to be right back on the list tomorrow.... doing the dishes, laundry, sweeping the floor, making the beds... Can I get an AMEN?
My point is that those things are always going to be there.
I want to take the time to let Crewe out of the shopping cart to help me find stuff at the grocery store  or let him do his balancing act on the curbs as we walk to the car. The rush, rush, rush of the day has got to slow down.

I want facebook and all the other social medias out there to not occupy so much of my day. I want to spend the time I would be on facebook getting dinner on the table earlier, engaging with my husband after Crewe goes to bed (take that how you will ;-) and I am making it happen everyday. It feels so good, so refreshing, so much more how life is supposed to be. CONNECTING with those my heart loves most rather than my phone or the computer.

They are like damn addictions I tell you. It is madness!
And here's another cool thing about it... I have noticed when I shorten my to do list each day my patience drastically increases. I deal with tantrums better, small kinks in our plans for the day don't stress me out, I am just all around a happier person, which makes for a happier family and isn't that what all of us want?

Like my honey always tells me, "Babe, the things that you don't get checked off your list today will still be there tomorrow." My sweet laid back husband has it all figured out.
So here we go again "Intentional". Please be good to me this year!


  1. This is a message I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing and giving many of us a reality check. The pictures of your family are just precious.

  2. Your perspective is amazing and always inspires me... What a blessing it is to have you as a best friend!

  3. i was showing my husband your blog because i think you're awesome and he just wanted to let you know that crewe's toilet paper roll stacking is pretty impressive :) seriously though, it is. i miss you blogging more but understand priorities!
